Monday, June 20


On and of June there'll be the "Days of Social and Cultural Anthropology" at my department. It's a kind of mini-conference, a get together of professors and a few students who present recent work (programm available here). Quite interesting concept, discussed long ago and finally made come true.

In conjunction with this the students representatives (newly elected and old ones) are planning protests against the appalling situation at our department.

The problems people mainly see are the following:

- Überlastung von Studienprogrammleitern und Sekretariat - das Verhältnis von Prüfungen zu Lehrveranstaltungen ist an unserem Institut so schlecht wie an keinem anderen der Universität Wien

- die Stelle der zweiten ordentlichen Professur ist nach 5 Jahren (seit Prof. Wernharts Emeritierung) noch immer nicht nachbesetzt; die erstgereihte Kandidatin für diese Stelle hat schon vor einiger Zeit abgesagt, das Rektorat unternimmt nichts, um zu klären, wer sie ersetzen wird - da gleichzeitig unser einziger ordentlicher Professor dieses Semester beurlaubt ist, steht das Institut derzeit ohne Ordinarius da,

- ständige Kürzungen des Lehrbudgets (vor allem auch der vormals externen Lektoren und Lektorinnen), Kürzungen der Prüfungsgebühren, etc.

that is: secretaries and professors responsible for administration are overloaded with work, the second professorship is still (after five years!) not reoccupied (mainly due to the rectorate) and the teaching budget is being cut down constantly although student numbers are rising.

That the second professorship isn't reoccupied is especially annoying as our only full professor is on a leave at the moment, so my department actually hasn't got a "professor in ordinary" these days...

Anyway: I hope the efforts will be worthwhile, some pressure on the rectorate can only cause a change for the better.

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