Wednesday, April 13

thick participation, anyone?

I had it all there, this lovely post about Lilia, Jan and Alex...and then I made the big mistake: used blogger to post it, well I'm still doing it, anyway: it just vanished somewhere into internet-limbo.

The upshot was:
Lilia needs help/ideas on thick participation (term by Spittler), which - as I just found out - is derived from Geertz' thick description. Alexander Knorrs page will definitely get lots more visitors (which is great 'cause he's into interesting stuff!), and Jan might be my second supervisor as well as holding a talk at my Uni. We had a great evening yesterday.

So what do I know about "thick participation"? Well that's what I could find on the net:

Der Terminus "Dichte Teilnahme" wurde von dem Ethnologen Gerd Spittler – in
Anlehnung an Clifford Geertz' Terminus der "Dichten Beschreibung" – geprägt. Er fokussiert den Aspekt der zeitintensiven Teilhabe, des Miterlebens und einer wenig vorstrukturierten, kontinuierlichen Kommunikation. Dies ermöglicht die Erfassung nonverbaler Aspekte religiöser Erfahrungen und Botschaften. [source]

More information here:
2001 Teilnehmende Beobachtung als Dichte Teilnahme, in : Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 126 (1), S. 1-25

Also found an interview with Gerd Spittler, where the term's mentioned.

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