Friday, December 2

Joerges, Winner, STS

I spent the last few days studying for an exam I had yesterday. And although I'm a bit exhausted today, I'm already preparing for my nextone on Wednesday (which will be my last exam ever - if I don't decide to do a doctorate!)

Here are just a few links I came accross while studying (or maybe rather procrastinating) for the exam yesterday which was in STS (Einführung in die Wissenschaftsforschung - Wissenschaft, Technik, Gesellschaft):

Langdon Winner: Do Artifacts have Politics?

Bernward Joerges: Do Politics have Artifacts?

Bernward Joerges: Die Brücken des Robert Moses
This one is very similar to the english one above, but very inspiring to read as it's written beautifully. By the way - the article that I enjoyed reading most, was one by Bruno Latour:

Latour, Bruno. 1995. Ein Türschließer streikt. In Latour, Bruno: Der Berliner Schlüssel - Erkundungen eines Liebhabers der Wissenschaft. Berlin: Akadmie Verlag, 63-83.

Bernward Joerges has got lots of his publications available online
too and I also found interesting course material for "Kultur und Technik"
by Richard Rottenburg at the University of Halle.


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