Sunday, March 6

Muslimischer Feiertag [Im Moloch Kairo]

Die Zeit, a very well known German newspaper, has been linking to Blogs for quite some time now. One of these Blogs is called "Im Moloch Kairo". A german woman going to Kairo to study arabic there is describing her impressions...and is heavily criticised for it.

"Aber was für eine Enttäuschung! deine Geschichten könnten sich auch in jeder deutschen Großstadt abspielen - es fehlt an jeglichem Kairo-Flair! Versuch doch bitte ein bißchen mehr auf deine Umgebung einzugehen ..."

People are asking why "Die Zeit" links to it, and the author seems to constantly have to defend her point. [Herrgott, das ist ein Webtagebuch. Das es verlinkt hat ändert an dieser Tatsache auch nichts.] For that she's also defined (using Wikipedia) what a blog is for "... andere Blogger teilen auf ihrer Webseite Einzelheiten aus ihrem privaten Leben mit." "...Weblogs sind vergleichbar mit Newslettern oder Kolumnen, jedoch persönlicher - sie selektieren und kommentieren oft einseitig."

I guess the upshot is, that this blog is an interesting read because of it's comments - where quite good discussions come up about how many have got internet-access in egypt etc.
"The other" isn't really talking back yet, but there are definitely some people reading it, who are half-egyptian and are looking at thinks from quite a different angle.

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